Whale Stranding Indonesia
Bhs Indonesia
New database
Reporting form
Necropsy records
Training & FR
Brochure & poster
Team & Resources
Database team
Associate trainers
Bhs Indonesia
New database
Reporting form
Necropsy records
Training & FR
Brochure & poster
Team & Resources
Database team
Associate trainers
Formulir pelaporan kejadian terdampar (Stranding reporting form)
Mohon kirimkan foto ke
[email protected]
(please send the photos directly to
[email protected]
Indicates required field
Tanggal kejadian terdampar (Date of stranding)
Tanggal berdasarkan format hari/bulan/tahun (date based on day/month/year format)
Lokasi, termasuk provinsi mana (Location, including what province)
Tolong sedetil mungkin, termasuk koordinat lintang bujur jika ada (Please be as specific as possible, including the latitude-longitude coordinates if any)
Lintang bujur (latitude and longitude)
Nama spesies jika tahu (species name if known)
Berikan nama lokal/nama Inggris/nama Latin tergantung info yang ada (Give the local/English/Latin name depending on available info)
Kondisi saat ditemukan jika terdampar sendiri (Condition when found single stranding)
Kode 1: Hidup (Code 1: alive)
Kode 2: Baru saja mati, masih segar (Code 2: just died, still fresh)
Kode 3: Mati, mulai bau atau membusuk (Code 3: dead, starting to smell or decompose)
Kode 4: Bangkai sangat bau, kulit mengelupas, ada gas dlm perut (Code 4: carcass very smelly, skin peeling off, gas inside the stomach)
Kode 5: Rangka (Code 5: skeleton or mummified)
Kondisi saat ditemukan jika massal, jelaskan kondisi seluruh hewan, misal berapa yang Kode 1, Kode 2, dll (Condition when found if mass stranding, explain all conditions e.g. how many Code 1, Code 2, etc)
Jumlah hewan (number of individuals)
Panjang hewan (meter) jika hanya satu ekor (Length in meter if just one animal)
Panjang maksimum dan minimum (meter) jika > 1 hewan (Max and min length in meter if > 1 animal)
Info tambahan (More info)
Tambahan info, misal jika kondisi berubah dari hidup jadi mati saat penanganan (Additional info, e.g. when the animal condition changed from alive to dead during handling)
Nama pelapor (Name of reporter)
Nomor telepon (Phone number)
Institusi pelapor (Reporter's institution)